*To apply to S11 send an email to videosoundarchive@gmail.com by August 31, 2024 11:59pm PT.  

*Please include your name, one still, and one link to your video . Please read over our FAQ before submitting.

Rather than a standard festival or exhibition, we are calling for video and sound artworks (up to 10 minutes). To encourage a literal pause in life and ‘mindful use of this easily accessible medium’ by underscoring critical thought and creation. Leaning away from social media and insta- “content creation” (vanity metrics) we hope to allow a straightforward space without the unnecessary pressure of views/likes. 

Viewers will see a series of  “curated pauses,” -stills- that will live in each season's archive. Each Artist will be highlighted and the still image will link back to the Artist’s work on their own website or preferred video platform. This is to encourage visibility in the Artist’s own environment. Rather than an Artist statement or bio, we will be conducting a series of micro interviews for each Artist who wishes to participate. This is to give a more in-depth and critical lens into their work and themes.

Selected works for S11 will be posted here on September 13, 2024. You will also receive an email from us. 

We will continue to experiment and explore within these restructures. We appreciate your time and look forward to getting to know your work. 

Thank you and take care! 

DEBBIE Y.J. LIN + Bridget Moreen Leslie


- Submitted works must include both your original video and sound in the same piece. If you are not the sole creator of the video and/or sound, please include any collaborators, and/or list public domain/open source.

-Works should be linked to either your website, vimeo or your preferred video platform. We will not be able to download any files.

- Works should have a running time of 10 minutes or less.

- We will not be selecting the still (paused image) from the work.  You will need to send an image of your choice (a paused place in your video).

- Please no artist headshots or  documentation. It must be a still image from the submitted work.

- Archives will exist on this website indefinitely. Our goal is to create a space for likeminded artists to find others working in the same medium. In the event of password protected and/or expired links,  we will default to directly linking to your website. Or, please send us updated and/or preferred links if your domains or hosting platforms change.

- There is no cost associated with submitting or having your work remain in the archive. We want this to be accessible and useful for all.

- We will not have any ownership or rights associated with the submitted image. The still sent to us will belong to the Artist.

- All information is saved for archival purposes (never sold and will never be shared without your permission). If you have any questions or concerns, please contact us.

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Season 1: June 4, 2021

Season 2: October 1, 2021

Season 3: February 4, 2022 

Season 4: June 3, 2022 

Season 5: October 7, 2022

Season 6: February 3, 2023

Season 7: June 2, 2023 

Season 8: October 6, 2023 

Season 9: February 2, 2024

Season 10: June 7, 2024

Season 11: forthcoming October 4, 2024

Using Format